Kamis, 25 April 2013

Prospect of Internet Cafe ..

What is an Internet Cafe .. ?

An Internet cafe is a place where one can "rent" or use a computer with Internet access. Usually a per minute or per hour fee is charged. In general, there is usually a drink service in an Internet cafe. When access is free or very innexpensive, a user might be asked to purchase a minimum amount of food or drink from the cafe ..

Next !

    Specifics on Internet Cafes in Depok

Depok Internet Cafes are found in most cities and larger villages. In smaller villages, the local tourist office might have a computer or two for tourists to use.

Continue with the prospect of internet cafe ..

Internet cafes (cafe) is a business that is very feasible prospect in the future, in line with the growing needs of the community to be able to access the internet, as well as in everyday life, the tendency of the population (especially in urban areas) can not be separated from the computer-based information technology in real time . Viewed from the aspect of marketing, until 2005 it recorded 4,000 new cafe in Indonesia, thus in 2015 required approximately 75,000 Internet cafes to meet the information access needs of some 250 million people in Indonesia.

Basically cafe business, relying on computer and internet connection as the spearhead of producing passive income. Plug the computer in the network by using wired lan (local area network) and the switches, so that they can communicate with each other. Internet connection then poured into switchmelalui serveratau router, which enables all computers connected to surf the internet.

Cafe is a business that can provide income or income in a relatively short time and the social aspects, an effort that will facilitate the public in accessing the Internet and can absorb labor around the business location

you can do it ypurself market research in the area where you want to open a cafe internet as a business opportunity

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